Sunday, August 07, 2011

Lo de Charly ...a Great Find ...Bring your Appetite to Villa Urquiza!

My good buddy, Paul Perry, poet and capitan of The Buenos Aires Shankees Baseball Organization introduced me to this neighborhood institution, Lo de Charly, in Villa Urquiza.  Go there.  It´s GREAT.

Are there any undiscovered great Buenos Aires places?  You bet... and here´s a great one!
Here is a true gem, servicing the barrio, 24 hours a day, with some of the very best asado in town.

The choripan is the best I´ve ever had with 50% more chorizo than anywhere else.  The place is a temple to beef ...and if achuras are your thing (like me!) you are in the right place.

Prices?  You won´t believe them.  Get value for your peso, ladies and germs, and have a great time in a great place.

Bonus: the bread is absolutely the very best in town.  I had the opportunity to meet the owner Friday and I'm gonna get him to tell me where those golden, crunchy, tender, tasty loaves come from.  I don´t want any other for my pan cotidiano!

I´m dreaming of sopping-up olive oil and salt with them!

It´s worth the trip and you´ll eat for almost free.

1 comment:

Pablito (The guy on the left on the Shankees pic) said...

Mike, don't forget to say that you can eat as much as you want for a fixed price en lo de Charly!