Sunday, August 07, 2011

The United States has been Spun-Off to its Shareholders

I have a strange perch from which to watch the even stranger goings-on back in the "Old Country."  As an inveterate observer of all things yanqui, these last two weeks have been the strangest in my almost 8 years away from the United States.

You didn´t ask but here´s my take on the events we are seeing in the US.

What most of the world considers the US of A is now merely a spinoff. 

Along the lines of big 1980's corporations whose operations were gutted and sold-off by their boards of directors, the United States is now a shell of its former self, industrial or otherwise ...with all the value having been transferred to a new corporate entity.

The new corporate entity doesn´t have to worry about the old rules.  Pesky things like "one man, one vote" won´t bother the owners anymore.  They can now manage the wealth extracted from the "former" United States without any political bickering.

We shareholders (citizens) of the former United States can now feel free to argue ourselves into oblivion over procedural matters such as the debt ceiling or anything we wish won´t matter.  90% of the wealth is gone and it won´t come back.

Where did that 90% of the wealth of the wealthiest nation go?  It doesn´t matter.  It´s just as gone down the street from your house as gone to the Swiss franc or the Japanese yen.  The thing is that it will no longer be available to maintain the "village commons."

The truly vile thing is that US citizens, now devoided of 90% of their national wealth, will be required to maintain (for as long as possible) the aspects of the United States of Old ...such as the military that protects the interests of those who devoided them of that wealth.

Game Over.  If you are a rich American today, you will always be rich.  If you are a poor American today, you will always be poor.

You wanted it simple ...could it be any simpler?

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