Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cook mini-bios: Jed Rothenberg, 1st Annual Buenos Aires Chili Cookoff

Team Bang-Bang Rothenberg

Jerry Rothenberg is a retired tax attorney living in North Carolina.  He is visiting his two sons and new grandchild who live in BA. His early attempts at chili were under the tutelage of the college fraternity house chef at Franklin and Marshall college in Pennsylvania. He continued to modify his recipe in North Carolina, where Pork is dominant.  Upon moving to Houston in 1980, he was surprised to discover that Texas chili ("real" chili) is made without beans!

Jed Rothenberg moved to BA in 2005 and operates the website "LandingPad BA."  Jed cooked at a four-star restaurant while attending Appalachian State University in North Carolina. Jed does not accept the "no beans" fundamental rule of chili. This clash has led to 20 years of internecine chili cooking warfare within the Rothenberg clan.

Octavio Rothenberg is 4 weeks old. He drinks milk, sleeps, burps, and fills diapers. He will participate as the team face and charmer.

Beans or no beans? Come by and find out.

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