Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cook mini-bios: Sheri & Mari Martinez, 1st Annual Buenos Aires Chili Cookoff

Sheri & Mari Martinez are sister in laws from both sides of the equator. They are foodies and they also love shiny and ridiculous objects.

Mari is a Porteña and Sheri is from Miami and Las Vegas. Both wish they could switch places- Mari living in the U.S. and Sheri living in Baires.

They share a love of all things coffee, sweet, savory and meaty. They hope that their chili brings tears to the eyes of all who eat it.

They will be cooking with spices that were originally intended as gifts for a certain yanqui, but since the chili cook-off popped up, those gifts have since been reappropriated towards their meat and bean concoction. This will be their first chili cook-off ever.

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