Monday, January 26, 2009

Are you a Democrat?

...if so, there's still time to vote for the group of 5 people that will direct the future of Democrats Abroad Argentina. (instructions on how to vote below)

...if not, join here.

We're beginning to change some minds.

I've warned since mid-November that a group of DAA members are attempting to seize control of the organization and turn it into a sleepy Afternoon Tea Society for only the toniest neighborhoods of Buenos Aires.

It was difficult to believe ...even for me when I first saw it.

I've been warning about the "Living Rooms", the inappropriate places to host meetings (and private executions!) of a national organization that constitutes the US Democratic Party in Argentina.

But some people are beginning to come to the same conclusion given the campaign statements of the 3 people that oppose The Progressive Ticket to which I belong.

This campaign has been messy ...maybe even dirty ...with unsubstantiated charges from both sides. But there can be no doubt as to the passion.

The passion, however, has come in two very different flavors: a passion to continue our achievements ...and a passion to seize control and tame Democrats Abroad Argentina now that it is established and finally worthy of jealously.

The Progressive Ticket needs your help.

Help keep us a national organization one of the biggest nations on earth.

You in Greater Buenos Aires, please help The Progressive Ticket.

Help, with your much greater numbers, keep Democrats Abroad Argentina representative of ALL Democrats, those in EVERY city and province. Don't let us degenerate to a fancy Buenos Aires Democrats Club ...that will fit in a fancy Recoleta living room and generate resume items for some mildly ambitious transients and those that would seek to profit from control of the organization you worked so hard to build.

Vote for The Progressive Ticket:

Yanqui Mike Skowronek, Chairman
Deby Novitz, Vice-Chair
Marta Motta, National Secretary
Frank Almeida, Treasurer
Matthew Johnson, Counsel

(Instructions for voting TODAY thru Saturday the 31st before 3pm.)

Members of Democrats Abroad Argentina can vote now ...until 3pm Saturday the 31st.

Not a Member??? Join here

It's too late to vote by post. But you can fax your ballot to Ft. Worth Texas (don't ask... It wasn't my decision) ...or you can deliver your ballot to our Annual General Meeting.

You can also give your ballot to a friend that will be in attendance... or write here for a friend that will be in attendance:

Buenos Aires: 4322 - 0968
VoIP: (312) 224 - 8490

Get your ballot here:
(...not very professional either, but I'm starting to get used to it.)

The fax number and location of the DAA Annual General Meeting (at the Argentine Deaf-Mutes' Home there a pattern here?) are shown on your ballot.

Print your name.
Sign it.
Date it.

Get help
Buenos Aires: 4322 - 0968
VoIP: (312) 224 - 8490
Provincia de Buenos Aires, Provincia de Catamarca, Provincia del Chaco, Provincia del Chubut, Provincia de Córdoba, Provincia de Corrientes, Provincia de Entre Ríos, Provincia de Formosa, Provincia de Jujuy, Provincia de La Pampa, Provincia de La Rioja, Provincia de Mendoza, Provincia de Misiones, Provincia del Neuquén, Provincia de Río Negro, Provincia de Salta, Provincia de San Juan, Provincia de San Luis, Provincia de Santa Cruz, Provincia de Santa Fe, Provincia de Santiago del Estero, Provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur, Provincia de Tucumán, La Plata, San Fernando del V, Resistencia, Rawson, Córdoba, Corrientes, Paraná, Formosa, San Salvador de Jujuy, Santa Rosa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Posadas, Neuquén, Viedma, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Río Gallegos, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Ushuaia, San Miguel de Tucumán


Anonymous said...

Best of luck Mike! You've got my vote. :-)

Heidi Mathews said...

Ditto! :)