These opponents of The Progressive Ticket are well on their way to shrinking this organization that YOU built ...into a quiet society that can fit into their well-appointed living rooms ...where it will never be heard from again.
You may never be heard from again, either.
Expect from them "zero tolerance", whatever that means. Expect that you will not be able to call a liar a liar (exceptions will, no doubt be made for yours truly ...and, I expect, certain others!) Expect that if you express yourselves too often, you will run afoul of the Living Room People ...and expect not to be welcome in their living rooms.
You in the many provinces of Argentina can expect no special efforts to include you beyond "I'm sorry that you find it inconvenient."
Under my leadership as our 1st chairman, we have kicked up a lot of dust, bruised some sensitive feelings, and almost run afoul of the law! But we made history at almost every turn.
We built Democrats Abroad Argentina from the minimum 50 members required for recognition ...to 500 members today.
Under my leadership, we reached out to Democrats in every corner of Argentina, in the underrepresented barrios of Capital, to groups that needed our help ...and groups that offered help to us. You can't build that kind of an organization in a living room. You can't even continue an organzation like that in a living room.
Every step of the way, I was told, "No! You can't do that!" My stock answer was, "Yes, I can; yes, you can, too; and yes, anybody can do this! Why don't WE do it FIRST and the BEST way we are able."
You have an opportunity to vote "YES".
You have an opportunity to keep DAA from becoming an Buenos Aires afternoon tea society. You have an opportunity to choose action and community building instead of placid co-operation that will take us backward.
Please vote The Progressive Ticket:
Yanqui Mike Skowronek, Chairman
Deby Novitz, Vice-Chair
Marta Motta, National Secretary
Frank Almeida, Treasurer
Matthew Johnson, Counsel
You'll be proud that you did.
...If you have not yet voted, please go to http://www.paisleychick.org/Ballot.pdf and print your ballot.
If you cannot attend the Annual General Meeting, please contact me and I'll send you a volunteer so that you can give your signed, sealed ballot to a friend who will attend and will courier your ballot to the meeting. (email me: letters@yanquimike.com.ar or call me at 4322 -0968 or VoIP 312-224-8490.
Just a few more days until we will count the votes of those fortunate enough to have their ballot arrive by post, arrive by fax to Fort Worth Texas(!), and those who can physically attend the AGM at the Argentine Deaf-Mutes' Home(!) on Saturday at 3pm.
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