Friday, November 05, 2010

¿Esterá listo mi Buenos Aires querido para El Doble Abajo?

Dan Perlman of Saltshaker kicked it off today with a post on facebook about the impending return of Pizza Hut to the Argentine market.  His link to mentions KFC, too.

Pizza Hut tried it here twice before but closed up shop both times.  But with the success of franchises like Starbucks and Subway, it looks like PH is gonna dip her toe back in the Baires pool again.

But Kentucky Fried Chicken, too?  Well, the '80's & '90´s Pizza Hut hadn´t yet developed those freeway combo monsters that also include Taco Bell under the same roof., however, has an article from last month saying that KFC will come on down only if Pizza Hut succeeds.  So I'm guessin' that La República is safe from a BACON DOUBLE DOWN WITH CHEESE for the forseeable future.

Patricia Gilmore has a good point about proper pepperoni, tho!  I´ve heard lots of expats jonesin' for that for quite awhile. 

If you wanna throw sand in PH´s gears for a third time... just start making REAL pepperoni!

There´s a catch, tho...  as says, Pizza Hut´s Buffalo Chicken Wings could be enough to float their whole boat!

Somebody open a Wang Joint quick!


Chicago Al said...

I hope that crap will not fly there. Eating pizza hut in buenos aires is akin to eatin taco bell in chicago. We all do it when we're drunk but we hate ourselves in the morning. Now if a real wing place was to open thats different!maybe we could come up with some chimichuri concoction that would work on wings!

yanqui mike said...

There´s a future for ya, Al ...or anybody else for that matter who wants to open a wing joint!

Good, cheap, spicy wangs!

You could damn near give 'em away ...and make all your money off the bar!

Notes From ABroad said...

I didn't eat Pizza Hut pizza when I lived in the US so I guess we won't be trying it here in BA either !

Fausta said...

Why bother with Pizza Hut when you have La casa de la nonna??

Anonymous said...

They had to close down for a simple reason, you have soooo many GOOD pizza joints in BsAs that PH cannot compete against. It's almost comparing a Rolls with a Yugo.

SaltShaker said...

Actually, somehow I'd think that KFC would do better here than PH - after all, there's no competition for fried chicken at all, whereas pizza there are more versions that you'd want to think about.

As to hot wings - you gotta know we got the jump on you on that one over here at Casa S with a roundup of what's out there: