I regret the error.
As regards globalism, free trade, arms length transactions, and beer, I leave you with the words of Frank Vincent Zappa:
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer."
Being a fan of Franks, I love the quote. I also share his distrust of government which is why I worry about a democrat dominated house and legislature.
Let's hope that they don't do more harm as they try to do good.
We still have Sam Adams (Boston Beer Co) which is a wonderful brew, using only German noble hops (thank you free trade), and fortunately, the Americans have the best micro brew(s) around!
I think Coors merged with Canada's Molson, and Miller got gobbled up by the South Africans.
I agree with fourpoint - you can't beat Sam Adams. And there are a ton of great craft brews out there that are local (of course, its too bad the hops have to be shipped in from Europe).
Coors merged with Miller. Who cares who owns who anyway? They are public companies. As long as it works out for the consumer in the end.
Another great American craft brew is Anchor Steam out of San Francisco. It's a wonderful full bodied Amber, shipped only in refrigerated trucks. And Gavin, if you haven't already the Sam Adams brewery tour in Boston is awesome...Be prepared to do a lot of sampling at the end of the tour.Dang...gonna miss those great American brews when I'm in BsAs full time.But at least I'll have some great company at drinking liberally always on Thursdays at Sir Wills.
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