Mrs. John McCain, is the heir to the Budweiser fortune and owns a huge piece of the company.
Budweiser is the biggest brewer in the US. But no more. It, like Quilmes in Argentina, is now owned by InBev.
Does that bother you? Maybe. But it sure as hell doesn't bother the wife of John "W" McSame who continues to sell the US down the river.
Manufacturing doesn't mean anything to these people. A REAL job at a real wage doing a real thing is the furthest from the mind of the richest Senator of all the senators.
Is that the man that you want for your President?
Vote from abroad. Get your absentee ballot now.
Wake up and realize that you don't mean anything to these people.
Couple of questions for you:
* What exactly does the government have to do with the sale of a privately held company? Are you suggesting that good government would have prevented this sale?
* What is REAL job and a REAL wage?
Good questions.
#1. The word "government" does not appear in my post.
The sale of a privately held company to foreign interests where the profits will be repatriated, however, would once upon a time have been looked upon as unseemly.
It certainly would have been looked upon as unseemly where the sale was of an American manufacturing icon done by the wife of a presidential candidate during the election.
The rich, especially the political rich, used to have to at least make an attempt to conceal acts such as these or take into consideration their timing. Apparently, that's not necessary any longer.
#2. Manufacturing is a real job, as opposed to WalMart Greeter. A real wage is $25 per hour ...the sort of job that is generally outside the hope of any worker not covered by collective bargaining.
Harley Davidson just bought out an Italian Sport Bike company, which in the long run will probably help both firms. The Bud deal will probably increase Bud sales abroad, what's wrong with letting the free market work? I thought Mrs. McCain was the heiress to an independent distribution company, not the parent company.
P.S. Bud owns 50% of Corona (Mexican), and a % of a Chinese brewer.
Any word on the Senate and the farm tax?
The foreign buyers are paying a price to purchase the company. If the price were exactly right it would equal the net present value of all future earnings of the company, discounted at the appropriate rate. That would mean the domestic sellers are receiving up front the economic value of all the profits they would have received had they not sold, which will now be going to the foreign buyers. In other words the foreing buyers would be advancing the domestic sellers the money they would otherwise have received as profits over time. Not sure why this would be objectionable to a patriotic American.
Obviously the buyers are parting with their money because they think the business is worth more than what they're paying for it, and the sellers are parting with the business because they think the money they're receiving is worth more than the business is. We won't know who's right for some time.
Retraction / Correction
In Wednesday's issue of Yanqui Mike, I erroneously attributed Mrs. John McCain's fortune to Budweiser brewing. Mrs. McCain is chair of Hensley & Co., one of the largest Anheuser-Busch beer distributors in the US.
I regret the error.
As regards globalism, free trade, arms length transactions, and beer, I leave you with the words of Frank Vincent Zappa:
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer."
Hi Mike.
Entonces acá vamos bien.
Cerveza tenemos, ahora vamos a tener Aerolíneas y Austral.
¡Que bien que vamos a estar!
¡Por fin! ¡Alguien que me entiende!
Why is every American ex-pat in Argentina a raving, lunatic liberal like yourself. I will be moving down there next year and can't wait to bring some decency with me. John W. McSame?? Man, you're drinking that DNC kool aid with gusto.
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