Sunday, November 04, 2007

Here's a little gaucho delicacy...

...eggs of the avestruz, ñandu, rhea, or sometimes called South American Ostrich. These babies are monsters. And as the population of these giant birds increases (no doubt owing to the increasing presence of grains in the pampas) these giant eggs are getting more and more common!


Apfemenia said...

Where are you from??


Anonymous said...

The question above stunned me.

I like the eggs. Not to eat but to look at. Imagine the ostrich inside.

I did post some hummingbird photos yesterday at my website linked below.


yanqui mike said...

Ana Paula... do you mean like what planet I'm from? I might be a bit of a "strange bird"... but I'm from planet earth.


yanqui mike said...

Hey Linc,

I loved your hummingbird photos. Their name in Spanish is very pretty: colibrí. More commonly people call them picaflor, "flowerpecker".

The Portuguese speakers probably have the best name for them of all: besaflor... or "flowerkisser".

Anonymous said...

¡Excelente foto Mike!. Te faltó un huevo de gallina al lado para dar la dimensión de tamaño. Tenés que conseguirte un buen platero que te haga con las cáscaras un par de candelabros. Un abrazo

d7d said...

umm 3 omelettes in every egg!