Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Judge Mini-Bios: Ngowari Adikibi, 1st Annual Buenos Aires Chili Cookoff

Made in Manchester and raised in a Nigerian household, Ngowari’s apprenticeship to spicy foods started at an early age. Living in Paris for 4 years, she grew curious about the “Paris of South America” taking a three-month castellaño course. Having developed a BsAs crush, she decided to find a job here and leave grey London town behind. Corporate lawyer by day, culinary enthusiast by night, Ngowari’s favourite pastime (by far) is eating – she is always on the look-out for interesting feeding and watering spots.

Never one to pass up on an opportunity for some spice (something that is somewhat on the rare side in BsAs), she is looking forward to being a judge at BsAs’ first annual chili cook-off! Bring on the chili!!

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