Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Special Request...

...could you snail mail me some seeds?

Yer ol' clod hoppin', dirt gardener, da Yanq had such a disastrous last year.  Not only did I not have any seeds to save ...but I actually swore-off gardening altogether.

If you are a gardener, maybe you can relate.

Anyhoo, I usually get seeds from friends visiting Buenos Aires ...but I told them all "NO" this time around.

Now, I'm having second thoughts.  I'm thinking the weather won't be as wet ...there are ways to get my seeds started earlier ...and I've done some BIG research into organically keeping my destructive ants at bay!

Well, I'm reading my seed catalogs ...and my gardener hormones are up and running.  It's late, though.

Not too many of my friends arrive here in Argentina in time for planting ...the weather from now until October is not exactly tourism weather, if you know what I mean.

Seed companies either won't ship to Argentina (their policy) or our customs house stops commercial shipments and holds them for hostage.

So ...if you've got nothin' better to do
Or ...if you've got lots of heirloom/open-pollinated seeds around the house
Or ...if you could just spread the word

...could you dump some seeds into an envelope and address it to me?

Some might fall out.  Some might get held for ransom.  Some might never even make the boat!

But some will make it through and you will be adding to "saveable" seed bank of Argentina.

A packet of seeds is usually too much for my own purposes ...so I always share with my local Argentine gardeners.  They are usually amazed at the deeliciousness of the old-timey varieties that have gone by the by.

Until last year, I intended to start a seed bank here for old-fashioned vegetables ...local gardeners are interested and the little town near my ranch wants to help.

Anybody who can help me out with seeds this year can follow the progress of this seed bank here at my humble blog ...which will be back to life now that I've deleted my fb account!

If you have a PayPal account, I'll reimburse you instantly.  If you visit Buenos Aires, the homebrewed beer's on me!

If this idea tickles your fancy, drop me an email at yanquimike@gmail.com

...and thanks a million ...and consider yourself a founder of the US-Argentine Heirloom Seedbank.

Yours in the dirt,

EEESPECIAL thanks to my friend Alan from Snohomish WA for scouting down a pack of rare tomato seeds while on vacation in SPAIN. Wow.  You gotta love that.

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