Wednesday, September 18, 2013


from the San Francisco Chronicle
Monday, September 16th, 2013

This is the biggest news in commercial meat of this year ...and probably for sometime to come.
"Washington -- The Centers for Disease Control on Monday confirmed a link between routine use of antibiotics in livestock and growing bacterial resistance that is killing at least 23,000 people a year.

The report is the first by the government to estimate how many people die annually of infections that no longer respond to antibiotics because of overuse in people and animals."
It's not like you and I didn't already know it ...but for the first time, the US government is admitting that people die from factory meat ...and they are telling you how many die from it every year.

"So what?" you might ask, "the factory farms will just stop or cut-back on their use of antibiotics." Not likely, brother.  Not without a big fight.

This is the equivalent of a declaration of war in the minds and pocketbooks of factory farms.

Factory farms CANNOT just cut-back or stop using prophylactic doses of antibiotics ...and hope to stay in business.

You can't have a cattle feedlot without huge doses of antibiotics for animals ...whether they are sick or not.

You can't raise chickens on a factory farm without huge doses of antibiotics chicken farming, antibiotics are considered essential to rapid growth of the animals.  The chicken you eat today was an egg 30 days before slaughter.

Doctors have been screaming for this for years.  Doctors have almost run out of drugs to kill the drug-resistant bacteria that come from the CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations.)

Don't get me wrong ...I use antibiotics on my ranch.
But I probably use them less than you do on your own children.
Because of that, my beef will never be certified organic.

In the coming weeks and months, you will no doubt hear from the big factory meat producers, saying "this problem is only due to a few irresponsible meat producers."

Don't you believe them.

ANY reduction in the use of antibiotics by the big factory farms will have a tremendous impact on their profits ...they will scream like stuck pigs.

EXPECT factory farms to fight back ...and fight for their lives.

EXPECT a big fight in the US Congress to protect the factory farms ...keep an eye on which Congressperson and Senator votes to kill this report from the CDC.

For those of you, like me, in Argentina ...expect the government here to go along with whatever the US government says is OK.


Mitra said...

Hi there Yanqui Mike,
I have enjoyed reading your blog for a while and was wondering if and where you sell your grass fed beef. Are you far away from Buenos Aires? Is there a way we could visit you at your farm?

Mandy Indonesia said...

I’m glad to read you again. Thanks for this post. Best for you Buddy! and
Merry Christmas

yanqui mike said...

Thanks Mandy.

Mitra, I've always intended to sell my beef, retail, in Buenos Aires ...but I've come to the realization that running the ranch is all the work I need.

Further, I'm not exactly "local." Our ranch is about 200 miles from Capital.

I'm open to, and would love to work with any young industrious person interested in bringing my grass fed beef to retail in Capital.

If you know anyone who would like to do that, tell them to contact me at
