Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Do Not Delay... Asparagus Today!

Esparragos Espectaculares!  Gracias Mendoza!

Seize the moment!  They´re back and they´re CHEAP.  Y como vos sabés no hay nada barato hoy en día!

These 4 beautiful bunches cost me 20 pesos today from a local greengrocer.  If your big supermercado doesn´t have them yet, get thee to a corner joint near you.  (The big supers have a separate supply chain from the little guys.)

Beautiful and tender and everything you want in un esparrgo!  (Yep, that's the singular.)

The season is not too very long to begin with ...but in the past few years it has become shorter and shorter. 

The reason for that, I suspect, is that most get exported; as soon as the northern hemisphere´s asparagus season ends... Argentina´s begins.

Want a tip on how to prepare them?  My culinarily charmed brother, Yanqui Tim, told me to braise them in the oven with a little olive oil and coarse salt ...I´ve never steamed one since.

...and my gastronomically insane missus prepared them (braised) with an almost equal amount of celery sticks, sliced to about the same size and shape as the spectacular spears themselves ...with unbelievable results.  The celery added a faint herbal hint ...and absorbed ALL the asparagus flavor that gets released and probably would have been lost.  With eyes closed, it was almost impossible to tell the difference between the two veggies.

Eat them, eat them, eat them ...before the yanquis get them all!


Chicago Al said...

very good wrapped in bacon! braised with a little sea salt and olive oil and dressed in a bit of balsamic reduction..yum

yanqui mike said...


You called PIG on it!

That´s gonna be my election night dinner.

...that a little something to take the sting out of it.
