Thursday, July 08, 2010

They´re here...

Less than 4 weeks later... Yanqui Mike´s Truck Patch is billed-out and bound to roll with a full load of heirloom, open pollenated seeds.

Oh, frabjous day.  Tomatoes, melons, and hot peppers.  An all but disappeared cabbage for sauerkraut.  Pickling cucumbers.  "Southern" delights my missus craves such as kale, collards, and okra.  Oddities for Argentina like tomatillos and rhubarb...

...and a butt-load of catnip for my darling Espuma and all of my cat-loving friends!

No problem with customs; regular mail.

But since you never know about our fair República when it comes to imports ...I´m really pleased that seeds from all of these non-hybrid varieties can be saved for planting next year.

Because they all lack that Hybrid Vigor, they´ll need preparation and attention ...but manure and bones from our own cattle have been composted, a laya / horquilla has been obtained, and a friendly vivero has agreed to sprout all the seedlings for me while I prepare the beds.

It´s gonna be a big operation so there should be enough for everyone come summer!

"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves."
                                              - Mahatma Gandhi


Notes From ABroad said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your Seeds :)

It was fun being able to say that for the first time .... ever ~

I am imagining the taste of watermelon right now, the firm sweet kind, not the mushy over ripe kind.

un beso

yanqui mike said...

I´m told that you have to be careful planting different kinds of watermelons ...if you want to keep the seeds.

They cross-pollinate so readily that you should keep them one mile away from any other variety!

I picked moon & stars because they are widely regarded to be both the sweetest and the juiciest of any other.