"I had a serious problem because at kilometre 100 my oil radiator sprang a leak. I do not know why, as I did not notice anything out of the ordinary, but actually there was a loss of oil pressure and that is an important problem. At kilometre 108 I stopped to try and solve the problem with a paste we carry. In the end I half-solved the problem, but it began to leak again."Km108, somewhere between Santa Rosa de la Pampa and Puerto Madryn, doesn't have too many spectators. Coma told the press today that this kind of problem can put you completely out of the rally.
About 10k back up the road, Coma had tried to buy some oil but was told that none was available. He was ready to write-off his 2009 attempt ...when he noticed a child had appeared next to his racing machine. "¿Te faltas algo?" The competitor told the kid that he needed a liter of oil.
After finishing in top place yesterday, Coma finished today 12 minutes behind the number one position. He still leads overall by 13 minutes.
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