I'm catchin' the fever a bit this year because not only do I have a support crew living across the street from me ...but the route of this year's race goes right by our cattle ranch!
The Dutch team we spoke to badly needed camping equipment ...originally they were under the impression that there would be hotels all along the 10,000km route from Buenos Aires ...and back again to Buenos Aires ala The Motorcycle Diaries.
Not even the teams know where the starting line will be Saturday ...that will be announced only hours in advance.
Dig the site: www.dakar.com ...and some photos I took of the team across the street.
We went to the symbolic start at obelisco today, and it was great. Many of the riders/pilots stopped for photos/autographs etc. The event at the rural was great yesterday.
Should be an awesome race!
Mike, are you going to catch some of it from the ranch?
Democratic Freedom Caucus
Actually, I've heard that they've changed the route south of Saladillo and it might not be goin' by the old homestead after all.
If that's the case, there's gonna be a lot of disappointed people down there! The dinky little burg has banners up everywhere.
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