Sometime within the next six weeks, we'll all receive information on where we'll send our ballots and when they have to be there. Watch this space and feel free to contact me for any advice you need regarding how to cast your vote.
That's not going to leave you much time to vote. The window on this election is small and closing fast. We've been helping you vote all year here at yanquimike.com.ar ...and we'll help you make sure you get to cast your ballot in this election as well.
Some of the details on how this election will be conducted are available to members of Democrats Abroad Argentina at:
You need to join Democrats Abroad in order to read them. If you are not a member, join here:
I hope you will support my efforts to be re-elected ...and support good candidates that will fill the other 4 positions of the executive committee.
Please join Democrats Abroad Argentina. Please help me get this organization back on track.
Please vote for me and people we need to make sure that all the work we did all this year does not go to waste.
Yours in art and labor,
The information on the election went out several days ago. Your update of the 19th does not seem updated. Voting is by email, fax and in person. Voting will close on the January 31st at the meeting. Thanks for the links to the democrats abroad. I'm sure the most up-to-date information will be available there.
Good luck with the election.
Okay... I need to reread letters before stating stuff. No voting by email, but by mail, fax and hand delivery on January 31st. Nominations can be done via email.
That is a great start, Lapelirroja! If you know some of the answers, please let me know.
But I have to take issue with you on the January 31st date:
All voting will have taken place by the time of the meeting.
What does that mean? I'm not sure.
Read the rest of the list.
I would like to clear up these questions, asap.
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