Sunday, November 02, 2008

Studs Terkel r.i.p.

I got the first word, but was speechless. I knew he was almost 100 years old but I didn't want to think about his passing. He died yesterday on the fifth anniversary of my emmigrating from my beloved, his beloved Chicago. I found a good account of his life and work on NPR here it is. Reading him was one thing, hearing him was another, meeting him on the bus with his "unrepentant" red socks ...was completely another. His "Working" changed my life and radicalized me in 1970 as much if not more than anything in that year of my life. You can listen to him reading Sandburg's "Chicago" and you can cry like I did if you're so inclined. If you can go along with Nelson Algren in that loving Chicago is "like loving a woman with a broken nose", you won't have a hard time sharing my sentiments. So long, ol' pal.

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