Monday, November 03, 2008

...simple answers to simple questions: "Why do I need to go to Galería Jardin on Election Day and make phone calls with Zak Schwarzman?"

See that map? I "stole" it from, one of the best political websites in the business. It's clickable and it's been prominent on and it tells a tale...

We're looking good in the East ..."that's where the freight is", as we used to say. But if we can't count on WA, OR, and CA... we're in for a big struggle.

Those folks in those states already know that they have to come out and vote (note: the great State of Oregon is now 100% mail-in ballot!) matter what the networks will say early Tuesday night.

But if it looks like a crushing defeat for John W. McSame early in the evening, Democrats in those West Coast states might stay home. The West Coast is our "firewall."

If you do your part with Zak Schwarzman and Americans Abroad for Obama, today and beginning at 11:00am on Election Day, you can help people find their polling places, you can help find them a ride to the polls if they need one, you can help make sure that complacency doesn't prevent them from casting their votes when all seems to be going so well 3 hours ahead of them.

Please come to the center of Buenos Aires, on Calle Florida and Tucumán, and call voters in PA, OH, and FL ...and keep WA, OR, and the big prize, California, from staying at home.

...YOU already voted! Come make sure that nobody else forgets to vote. You can call and shop, call and eat, and come back and call again!

Come down in droves and make telephone calls to Democrats in the US ...under the guidance of Obama's Top Dog in South America.

You'll be proud to say that you did.

1 comment:

Longhorn Dave said...

353 to 185.. wow that turned out to be real close to actual. Great prediction. I hope everyone had a crazy wild time last night and there was plenty of dancing in the streets. Here in Texas...not so much. Oh well, maybe one day I'll move to a cooler blue state.