Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Mikey Nails" en castellano

Apparently, the people of the campo are so frustrated by the strike they are puncturing their own tires!

One little town is reporting scads of old trucks and cars disabled on the streets, their tires having been punctured by the ingenious little device above.

Don't bother looking for these at your local hardware store... there's really only one place you can get them.


Fourpoint said...

What's the logic for puncturing one's own tires? ((Confused))

yanqui mike said...

Nobody would. But if you read enough and watch enough TV... you might come to that conclusion.

Who else could it be?

99 said...

Soybean storages at San Pedro, Gualeguaychú and other spots have been burned and wheat left-overs in several campos too.

It´s also the campo people burning their possessions?

Who else could it be?