Friday, May 02, 2008

...just people who refuse to feel the fear.

What a disaster! What a tremendous success!

Due to the holiday, Sir Will at 678 San Martín, was closed this evening. NO MATTER! Sticky notes led us a block away to the hotel bar of the Hotel Claridge that hosted the event for this time only.

Whadda great group! Liberals ALL ...but not all Democrats!

There's NO membership, there's NO leadership. There's only people who like to talk to each other. Just people who refuse to feel the fear.

Great input and discussion and just great company... especially from Fred, a longtime Libertarian who still works and lives in the US but bought an apartment in town about 4 years ago and plans to move here very soon.

Man! Did we ever chew the fat. Friendly, informed, casual conversation that covered a truly (insert your favorite superlative here!) range of subjects from living in BsAs to the strike in the campo to medical care to the state of the free press on planet Earth to US politics to... to... to LOTS of other things that people like to know and talk about.

Just about perfect. I haven't attended an evening devoted to such high-quality gab in a long time.

You really owe it to yourself to drop in ANY Thursday, ALWAYS at 7pm, ALWAYS at Sir Will/San Martín 678 in Microcentro.

I was very pleasantly surprised at how friendly it was and how informal and, still just plain intelligent and even useful the conversation was (immigration/marriage issues and experiences were top-notch factual instead of the hearsay that you usually get everywhere!) intelligent and such a great exchange.

You could call it a brain-trust ...except that it was just a bunch of people sitting around having some drinks and talking about anything they felt like. And such a diversity of opinions.

Drinking Liberally is gonna take this town by storm, if you ask me. And nobody asked me! And nobody ever will!

We were all too busy getting to know each other and getting our turn to "hold forth" in the grand tradition of tavern politics that makes democracy a great thing.

Speaking of democracy, Drinking Liberally is in no way associated with the Democratic Party or Democrats Abroad.

You know how much I like both of those above things ...but it's so nice to have something informal and open to other viewpoints and nationalities!

Don't get me wrong... Democrats were well represented, of course, but not everybody.

I can't wait for the next one... when it's not a holiday evening like tonight.

And the BEST thing about Drinking Liberally is their concept of having the event at the SAME place at the SAME time on the SAME day EVERY week.

If you miss one ...or even a bunch ...of gatherings, you never have to wonder when or where the next one will be held.

They are ALWAYS at Sir Will at 678 San Martín, ALWAYS on Thursday, ALWAYS at 7pm.

That makes it easy. I hope I see you at the next one... you already know when and where!


99 said...

It was great!

Fourpoint said...

Last night's event was great! Enjoyed the exchange of ideas with great company, Thursdays
at Sir Wills is going to be something BIG!

Fred-A left libertarian future Argentine Resident