How 'bout a testimonial to how almost nothing surpasses old-style paper production when it comes to disgustingly fouling the area for miles and miles around?
Maybe you might even chime in on how happy people became when those mills converted to "1st world" production standards... or even how happy people were when they closed?
99 is ALL OVER this in her post today that features a video from the seldom heard here in Buenos Aires, Uruguayan opposition to the controversial pulp mill in Fray Bentos, Uruguay... and the newly announced pulp mill that will be installed in picturesque Colónia, directly across from Buenos Aires (something 99 predicted back in May of this year.)
The video is great. It comes with excellent English subtitles and let's you hear uruguayos that will have to live with damage and loss that will come from plants too dirty, ugly, and illegal for installation in Mother Spain and Finland.
1 comment:
Thanks for spreading the word Mike!
That´s what all us Internet people are all for: no frontiers issues, just common issues. Only good people demanding straight answers and world knowledge and acknowledgment.
I saw the same thing being denounced from Tasmanian to South African and Thailand sites.
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