The group has 55 members and counting!
That is truly a milestone and allows us to put the finishing touches on our creating a little Argentine history: nominating and electing 5 officers and submitting ourselves to the International Chairperson of the US Democratic Party for Americans living outside the US.
Keep in mind that you can NEVER have enough members... and I would especially like ask for your assistance in finding members from EVERY province in Argentina. A special request goes out toward finding Democrats residing in the Islas Malvinas and Antartida Argentina.
If you haven't yet made up your mind to become a founding member... please do so today and go to http://www.democratsabroad.org/join and give us your vitals.
If you HAVE joined, please use your on-line voting code to help nominate officers to the executive committee of DAA. Nominations close at midnight this Sunday then it's on the elections... (electing officers is a requirement for recognition.) Members should really consider nominating themselves for office.
Also, please DO dig the official website of Democrats Abroad Argentina! It contains a blog that is open to all members that respond with their on-line voting code. Have at it! Blast away! Tell us all what you REALLY think!
The Cancellería has approved our domain name www.democratsabroad.com.ar which makes things easier and ALSO allows us to give an email account (you@democratsabroad.com.ar) to any member that wishes one. We're only waiting for the DNS servers to propagate.
Keep the memberships and nominations coming... and try to come out and meet with us all on Thursday, at 8pm, the 20th of December at Bullers Microcentro at Paraguay 428 in Buenos Aires... or from anywhere via the internet (details coming soon.)
dec 20 meeting what time is the meeting?
What a horrible host! Thanks for the heads-up... the post is corrected... 8pm!
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