Truth is: I've got nothing to say.
That's a strange state for the Yanq but it's true. The juice has just all drained out of it for at least the moment.
Maybe it's the winter doldrums. Maybe it's the impending "5 Year Wall" that all expats/immigrants hit. Maybe it's the state of the old country ("Sittin' in a park in Paris, France / readin' the news and sho' looks bad") that makes everything I talk about and hear seem just so ridiculously trivial. Maybe it's unrequited williamsburroughs-ism setting-in.
Who knows.
There's lots of things to say, of course, about life here in the Paris of the Palmtrees. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God that I live here. The Retiro neighborhood that I inherited is still the one I would pick today, the cows are still fat and happy and we are still blessed with sufficient pasture although there has been no rain forever, the food is still delicious and remains varied and challenging with a little shopping in Chinatown and other nooks, I can sit back and laugh at the USD due to some strangely good (for me) decisions made upon our arrival, there are still splendid friends although I've been ignoring them along with family, I'll be registering with a terrific agricultural school tomorrow and my hard-won castellano will propel me to expertdom in pastures and grasses.
There you go! There's a hundred blogposts in there somewhere.
Perhaps it's simply hibernation. Maybe nothing more than something cyclical that I just don't feel like overcoming right now. I've been thinking that I'd like to see where it takes me but I've probably just caught the wrong bus.
Fear not (that's for me...not you)! With this little post I'll probably roar out of the starting gate once again.
My thankfulness to you.
I probably just need to look up Slats Johnson and tie on a good cathartic.
Yanq tell us more about the "5 year wall"
How about writing about things from the US that you miss in Argentina? That's what I really want to hear about (aside from cattle industry stuff, which is surprisingly interesting).
I tried to bait you into it http://wanderlusting.org/blog/greg/argentine-specialties-and-us-specialties-in-argentina
Maybe you are just baby bear right now.
I know what you mean. Since I came home, my life has gotten uninteresting. I find I don't have much to say. At least it's summer here.
That´s also happening to me, I don´t know what to blog about...
By the way, I love the new design!
Yer gonna git yer burroughist recompense Mike, don't 'chew worry!
I second 99´s motion on that 5 year wall yanq. Maybe I hit it and didn´t know about it then. Don´t keep it an internal conversation guys.
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