It's more than a jewel, really. It fills a real need along with Mercedes Stuart's intuition as to what Argentines are curious about as regards us foreigners and what we're saying.
A self-described cuarentona now living in the US after living in 4 other countries during the past 20-some years, she started reading blogs written by extranjeros living in Argentina. She realized that a lot of Argentines are probably not going to pick-up another language just to slog through some blogs.
So Mercedes does the heavy-lifting...and translates into Spanish the posts she likes and the ones that hispanoparlantes would be curious about.
I personally know from emails and comments that porteños are interested and often surprised by what we strangers think about this place...and what we are writing.
Lo que dicen ellos has become one of my favorite places to check into from time to time to see what Mercedes Stuart is saying.
Thank you for featuring my blog, Mike, and for you kind words. Yanqui Mike has been in my feed reader for a while now. Please know that as an Argentine I truly appreciate and respect the fine work you do here.
Te sigo leyendo,
Not at all, MS. Your blog rocks... and I hope you find time to write more and more and more!
I am very upset with you Mike for allowing that women Mercedes to advertise on your site and say very nasty comments about my wife who is a most wonderful woman.
How would you like 99 to be slandered to all the world?
Anon, "slander" me out whenever you want. I have a lot to say and prove about you
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