Sunday, December 17, 2006



Anonymous said...

I have to say that I dont agree with your comments about Ba expats The last party I went to I found the people there the most enthusiastic group of new citizens I have met. Rosie and Igor were the most charming hosts abd a great time was had by all


yanqui mike said...

Igor and Rosie are two of the nicest people I've ever met.

The problem is the free-for-all hatefest that the BAEG Forum turns into. Rosie and Igor are never part of the Porteño bashing.

You should be proud of the people that you met at the get-together.

You should be ashamed that the website's forum paints all those nice people with the same brush as the hate-filled commenters that have no connection with the group other than a "forum nickname."

If you use their forum, you should at least
href="">take the pledge.

yanqui mike said...

If you must use their forum, at least

use these guidelines.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but I dont agree in censorship and overall i find the forums very fair except of course a few comments which is bound to happen in any democracy.

Why do you paint us in such a negative light? your blog is quite contradictory attacking the lot of us because of the sins of a few


yanqui mike said...


You sound like a fine fellow...and maybe one that's had his feelings hurt by the charges that I've made against a group of people that you have discovered...and that you enjoy being with.

I found that same group of people almost 3 years ago and, as I said here many times, they are almost without exception some of the finest people you'd ever want to meet.

Now here's where it might get a little complicated:

The front page of their website features very prominently a forum.

The forum is almost directly under their banner "The Buenos Aires Expatriates Group."

The forum has calmed down quite a bit recently...but only recently. The forum has contained the full range of insults directed at Argentines and Argentine society from merely disparaging comments all the way to a very popular poster who threatened to "blow their brains out with my magnum."

The "Site Admin" not only supports this but likes to chime in from time-to-time with disparaging comments of his very own.

All of that, Patrick, occurs under the unfortunate banner "The Buenos Aires Expatriates Group."

Maybe that doesn't bother you...but it's gonna bother somebody sooner or later.

The people you have met and come to be fond of...are NOT the people that are prominently featured in their forum.

They do, however, spew their hatred under the banner "The Buenos Aires Expatriates Group" and that, falsely, includes both you and me too.

You will eventually share the blame for the failure of the "moderator" to moderate the site that he owns...and put our name on.

I encourage you to actively disassociate yourself from that group before some enterprising porteño media-type wants to make a big deal of it. I'm not talking about making a big deal about the people you've actually met...I'm talking about the forum that encourages hate-speech from people that are not "Buenos Aires, not "Expatriates", and are not a part of the "Group" that you know and love.

However, if you can't bring yourself to break away from the ownership of a group that does these bad things in your name...try to work from within.

The forum is very full-featured. The User Settings allow you to identify yourself as a real Buenos Aires Expat. If a good person like you absolutely MUST post to that forum, identify yourself...and insist that other identify themselves as well.

The "Site Admin" allows people from all over the world to post as if they were like you: from Buenos Aires.

The "Site Admin" allows people from all over the world, who have never been an expatriate, to post as if they were like you: a real, past or present, expat.

The "Site Admin" allows people from all over the world to post as if they were like you: part of the group that you have met and become fond of.

I don't want to interfere with their "freedom of speech." I just don't want Non-BsAs, Non-expat, Non-group people to be able to spew hatred disguised as you and me.

Then...let them spew to their hearts' least, then, it won't be in your name...or mine.

(of course, the "Site Admin" should be doing all of that...but if he won't, good people will have to do it on their own.)

Look here:

I truly hope that that clears up any of your concerns regarding censorship,
democracy, negative light, or my being contradictory.

Good luck, get out while you can,