Let's do it. It deserves to be done and nobody is going to do it other than us.
We need a directory of real parrillas where real people from real neighborhoods go to do the real Argentine thing...eat good beef at real Buenos Aires prices.
Don't get me wrong, I like to put on the dog as much if not more than the next guy. What a shame it would be if there weren't places like the Alvear Palace and Las Lilas and the score of other world-class places to complement this world-class city. But there wouldn't be exemplary places like that if there wasn't a beef eating culture exemplified the shear number of neighborhood joints where terrific carne y vino y un poquito más wasn't available to the people that have lived in the barrio for generations.
Laura knows of places in the suburbs that should be included and I see no reason to get all geographical about it...there good meat in Avellaneda, por ejemplo! Miss Tango leans a bit toward keeping the "good stuff" to ourselves but I think she could come around.
I'm not sure how to do it...and I'm glad for that. Gimme a hand and let's figure it out together. We can put together something that will serve to enrich our Porteño thang and maybe even leave a record to the city that is changing so quickly.
Please share with your personal gurús de bife!
Ahi va la primera! Enjoy...
Oh I do share information, with the people but darn it, it is hard to get into the parrillas already that are great.
Did you see how I was sharing my shoes with the world? Did you vote yet?
Besides would we not find the best parrilla at your casa, since it looks as though you have abundant supplies?
Ok, ok your nagging worked.
La Rosalita:
This photo is of the lovely steak I had at La Cholita
Rodriguez Pena 1165
But make reservations as it is very busy.
The best steak I had was at LOMO thought, very very tender!
ooh, steak blogging. worth remembering (and I barely do myself) that I came here as a vegetarian. now I can list so many succulent steakhouses. . . from the cliched bloodied apron fare (Des Nivel in San Telmo) to the perennially recommended but I've never quite made it (La Cabrera in Palermo), to the (can I say 'to the' again?) chic and sophisticated (Miranda) to the (oops!) likes of Manolo, Lezama, EL Obrero, and the best steak of all, El Trapiche.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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