Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Bird - Cow Alliance

Wish you could avoid nasty feedlot beef at your favorite restaurant and supermarket?  Me too!

Help may be on the way from an unlikely source, La Alianza del Pastizal, a consorsium of wildlife groups that is concerned that the disappeance of grass-fed beef is harming bio-diversity in the Southern Cone.

The Aliance is afraid that as grass-fed cattle disappear from the pampas, the land is often converted to uses that are not so conducive to all the smaller creatures that have always co-existed with cattle grazing.

Their idea is to keep cows on the grasslands (and out of the feedlots) by making grass-fed beef an ecological issue. 

Toward that end, the wildlife preservationists are suceeding where ranchers have failed; they are spearheading an effort to reward stockmen who maintain their herds on pasture with a certification program that will allow food-conscious consumers a way to identify grass-fed beef in the market.

The Alliance is already having success in Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

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