Sunday, July 03, 2011

The Indispensable Person

There will be many stories told of the truly amazing success of today´s 1st Annual Buenos Aires Chili Cookoff.  There will be fotos and videos of organizers and volunteers and contestants and judges ...just like any other successful event.

However, every time hundreds of people gather to make something amazing happen, there always seems to be one person without whom all the efforts of so many people would have been sunk.  Today, we stopped counting at 300 chili fans.

Today, that person was Roxanna Svetkin.

The organizers of today´s first ever chili cookoff in our fair burg never intended for Roxanna to woman the crucial post of collecting money from the public and issuing every ticket that led to cookoff's ability to give $3000 to charity today.  Every organizer and volunteer assured her that she would be "spelled" for breaks and relief.  As it happened no one was available for even a moment.  In fact, she is and was truly irreplaceable.

As upwards of 300 people crushed and rushed to sample the fine chilis of every contestant today, Roxanna Svetkin was calm, professional, entertaining, efficient, and stayed outdoors in the historically chilly weather to make sure that everyone´s efforts were successful ...all toward ensuring that The Buenos Aires Shankees Baseball Organization would have bats, balls, gloves, and the myriad other things that a struggling baseball team needs to survive in La Liga Metro´s competitive environment.

Within the crowd of more than 300 there certainly more than a complaint or two ...but no one had a complaint about Roxanna Svetkin.  She was truly a blessing to every hard-working volunteer´s and organizer´s efforts

She was both charming and strict, both and efficient and friendly, both in English and Spanish..  Anyone who has ever been placed in a similar circumstance had to admit that Roxanna was irreplacable, implacable, impecable, ...and truly indispensable.

On behalf of the Commisioner and all other members of the Buenos Aires Chili Cookoff Commission, it is my great honor to award the first Certificate of Merit to Roxanna Svetkin along with our eternal thanks for being indispensable to the success of the 1st Annual Buenos Aires Chili Cookoff.

Thank you, Roxanna.

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