Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Great Drink Ceiling Debate

A Republican walks into a bar.

He bellies up and orders drink after drink for himself and his buddies until closing time.

After last call, the bartender presents him with his bartab.

"Aw, gee," the Republican says, "I don´t have any cash."

"That´s ok," says the barkeep, "you know I always accept your credit card."

"Yeah, I know ...but my wife won´t let me use the credit card anymore."

"B-b-but you ordered all those drinks!  Didn´t you know you didn´t have any cash?"

The GOPer explained in a very serious tone that, occasionally, he has to ascertain whether he has been spending too much money.  "Tonight, I went WAY over my limit.  There would be a definite moral hazard to myself and my friends and loved ones if I actually paid for these drinks I ordered."

The bartender's eyes began to bulge.  He leaned over to grab the man, "Hey!  You ordered all these drinks, you knew how much they cost, you drank all these drinks!  Pay up, deadbeat!"

"Fuck you," said the Republican as he turned for the door.

"You´ll never drink here again!  You´re 86'd!"

"Who cares.  Without me, this joint'll be out of business in a week."

1 comment:

Norm Holmberg said...

Mike, you forgot the part where he tells the bartender he's not going to pay his bill because he doesn't like his health insurance agent. Surely that would have cleared everything up.

Note to GOP: This is a commonly used literary device known as sarcasm.