Sunday, June 26, 2011

Judge Mini-Bios: Michael Weldon, 1st Annual Buenos Aires Chili Cookoff

During a post retirement cruise my wife and I stopped in Buenos Aires in 2004, bought an apartment here in 2005 with the idea of spending a few months a year here. We have been living full time here in Buenos Aires ever since – simply fell in love with the country and this city.

I don’t know how I had time to work before I retired because now I do anything I want and it takes all day every day. Walking, exploring, checking out the auction houses, keeping aware of the real estate market and most time-consuming – showing the city to visiting friends.

In judging chili cook-offs in Texas I have always leaned to the hot Texas goat chili – cooks be advised!

I am looking forward to meeting everyone on July 3, beer and chili - it doesn't get much better!

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