Thursday, April 15, 2010

Four More Years!

(First published in Yanqui Mike on April 15, 2006)

April 15, 2006 (our first post)

There's a good many of you that need no welcome to BsAs...but if you do, Bienvenidos.

That gives me an opportunity to give a shout out to some people that also blog and write stuff that I truly enjoy. I intend to profile all of my favorite Argentine blogs one by one as I get the time. They won't be "reviews" as such...because they are already favorites of mine but if I can draw a stranger's attention to them it will lessen the debt I feel for all the info and just plain pleasure. Some I can't find anymore! Be sure that I'll be sending out APBs for the good ones that I mis-bookmarked and would love to see again. (Does anyone know the url for a beautiful young woman that cooks in, I think, Córdoba?)

I'm constantly fascinated at what leads angloparlantes to take the plunge into what is, on polite occasions, referred to as the "naval of the world" so if you'd like to share your stories...I'd love to hear them and share them with your permission. I don't expect this blog to be terribly informational since that area is covered so well by some of my favorites. But if information truly does want to be free it will find a home here. I hope you will share with me the smarts you have gleaned from your short or long stay in this tremendous city and I'll pass them along if you like. However, some info is just too good to die in an elderly blog post no matter how good the originating blog. If you have some of that let's have it and we'll throw it back out to the ether...with attribution, of course.

Stuff that I like but I don't find much on other sites: #1. My Take on Things, of course. But I also like travelogues from travelers of decades past. I groove to the historical take on the city and the Republic. I like graphics and fotos from the golden and not-so-golden ages. I like the real people in their real places. I love how in some ways it is very easy to adapt to life here and at the same time, sometimes in the same moment or block or place, you get gob-smacked with the fact that Buenos Aires is unlike anyplace else on earth. So I intend this place to be somewhere for things you don't get everywhere else...unless they're too good not to mention again.

I'm not one of those that can write if no one ever reads it. That means that I'll try to keep you interested and that means posting everyday if at all possible. Although it seems that every ex-pat and visitor here already has a blog of his/her own...if you don't...or if you don't yet...or if you're not ready for that...and especially if you never want to do it, I'm your huckleberry. Get in touch.


Anonymous said...

Good stuff, man. I've made some smart aleck posts over the last 3 years but I really enjoy your blog. Keep it up please!

Anonymous said...

From one of your early posts:
"Expatriate Games: Travelers Are Heading to Buenos Aires for the Culture -- and Staying for the $250 Rent" (in the Washington Post)

Some things have changed in four years, but you always keep the mix interesting. Here's to four more.


studiodio said...

keep your posts comin! its a funny time we live in right now...especially from this BA view...your viewpoint always gives me stuff to ponder...