Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lost Exile

Great read in Vanity Fair online this month about one of my favorite webzines: The Exile.

Mark Ames made me shudder with his quote, 
“It’s kind of terrifying being back here. I find the rules here suffocating,” Ames says when I ask how it feels returning to the States after a decade and a half in Moscow. “I miss the extreme melodrama” of Russia, he says. “Here there are so many horrifying layers of décor and piety. Everything is at stake in this country—in theory it’s Rome, and yet it operates like small-town Nebraska. There’s so little real drama here.”
 My worst nightmare.


Dr. Pancrácio said...

Vanity Fair has to be in at least a tie for 1st place worldwide for form without substance. If you read English and want to be a little more retarded than you currently are, read Vanity Fair.

yanqui mike said...

Hey Doc!

If you really wanna get retarded read the back issues of The Exile!

Especially the ones from about 8 to 10 years ago ...I loved those guys!