Monday, December 28, 2009

Expats exempt from Senate bill

Thanks to Paul at KnifeTricks for digging into this.
4. Expats exempt. As with the House bill, people who reside outside of the United States for at least 330 days in a 12-month period “shall be treated as having minimum essential coverage” for each of those 12 months. H.R. 3590, Section 1501(b) (proposing new Internal Revenue Code section 5000A(f)(4)).

That 330 day requirement will play hell with a lot of us.  Kill the bill.

1 comment:

Heidi Mathews said...

Wow, that really blows! Thanks for letting us know Mike. So, if we go back to visit and we get sick, well we'd just be shit out of luck. Better stock up on vitamin C and good luck next time I visit.