Monday, August 03, 2009

USA 2009 = Argentina 2001?

As I've said many times here, "the only difference between the Argentine and Yanqui economies is... that the US debt is denominated in its own currency."

I ran across this today on the intertubes ...and it's very much along those lines.

Anyone want to help me digest it?


Horacio de la Iglesia said...

Lo que pasa es que los Estados Unidos tienen la Reserva Federal que puede imprimir los dolares que son la moneda de cambio internacional. En cambio Argentina emite su moneda que son los pesos y estos como no figuran en las pizarras de las casas de cambio en el exterior, cuando vas a cambiar los pesos en el exterior, te dan lo que ellos quieren como no tienen cotización en la pizarra.

Thomas said...

It's a pretty big difference.

Japan's debt to gdp ratio is something like 200% now and people keep lending to them.

Anonymous said...

The differences between the US and Argentine economies are too many to list and to suggest otherwise is laughable. With all due respect this is not a productive topic of discussion.