Saturday, November 22, 2008

JFK, 45 Years

Long time gone. It is my earliest memory. Nothing on Google News today. What do you remember? What impressions do you have if you have no specific memories?


Anonymous said...

Hi Yanqui Mike,

ExpatBrazil here. Follow things in Arg via your Blog.

I was a student at Utah State University. It was a Friday. Took a nap before a afternoon Geography class. Guy across the hall comes running in saying Kennedy has been shot. We listen to the radio. Lots of blah, blah. Then....The President is Dead! Went to class. Professor bummered out. Tells us to go home. Remember him saying. "This is a day we will all remember until the day we die." And it was.


tangocherie said...

Hi Mike,

I too was a student, a baby freshman at UCLA. I remember everybody gathering at the student union as the status reports were broadcast on the PA system. I remember watching TV for hours, the funeral cortege with the riderless horse, John-John's salute. Everything was cancelled for 4 days, and I mean everything.

Then of course I remember Bobby's shooting as I was watching on TV. And then the death of Martin Luther King, Jr, and then of course, the tragic death of John Kennedy, Jr.

And it makes me remember myself as a young widow, and another loss of a good man.

It's good to remember, and not to forget.

But it also makes me worry about Barack Obama, may God bless him.