Friday, October 10, 2008

Every 90 days ...or every 5 or 10 years?

Taos Turner and The Argentine Post are still on the caper regarding the enforcement of the Jan 1 proposal to charge visitors to Argentina the same fee that Argentines pay to visit them.
At issue is whether the $134USD will be for each entry to La República or will be collected on a every 5 or 10 year basis like a visa. The uncertainty comes from the fee not being a visa but, rather, a tax.

The fee is being justified by the Argentine government as fair and reciprocal, much like when Brazil began requiring US citizens to obtain the same kind of visa as the US began demanding.

The projected $40 million USD annual take, however, makes it look like the government is counting some different kind of chickens ...and could be planning on tacking this fee onto ordinary 90-day tourist cards. Expats that make the every 90-day run to Colonia to renew their status here could be in for a big hit every time they cross back into Argentina. This possibility along with the economic down-turn could change the face of the expat community in Buenos Aires.
More details as they become available...


Gavin said...

Mike - Expats should act like real Argentines and organize a protest. This really is a stupid move if what you're saying is accurate - that its a fee every 90 days and not something you pay once every 10 years like an Argentine would to enter the US. RALLY THE MASSES!

yanqui mike said...

Wow! Un cacerolazo yanqui! Pretty cool.

But hang on, brother... the US sometimes charges Argentines the $134 on a one-off basis.

That's the fly in the ointment on what exactly is meant by "reciprocity" right now.

Out in el campo yanqui hay un dicho, "Good lovin' don't last; good cookin' do!"

Tourist cards don't last: you have to give them back when you leave.

Visas last, they go into your passport.

We still need to know more.


Diva said...

what a stupid idea!
I think that the government should be happy enought with the dollars that the yanquis are spending in the country.

Holly said...

Well fine. But then they should have only one price for ALL to fly within the rest of the world, and not jacked up flight prices for foreigners without DNI.

Heidi Mathews said...

If you're living here, isn't it just easier (and a lot cheaper) just to get the permanent residency visa?...That's what I more jumping in and out of the country every 90 days...once you get all the papers together its quick and then you don't have to ever pay a fee to enter the country again, plus you get to pay the cheaper plane ticket prices for the domestic flights :)

I sure hope that it ends up being something that lasts 5 or 10 years. Not for me, but for any family members or friends that come and visit. It just ends up being $134 (US) less that they end up spending here.

Fourpoint said...

They also tried to charge me extra at tourist site like national parks etc for being an expat.

2 wrongs don't make a right with the Visa tax issue.

yanqui mike said...

It's a good point, Heidi.

Argentina is still one of the most immigrant friendly places on earth.

Everybody's gonna wanna know what your paperwork was like... get ready for inquiring minds!


Heidi Mathews said...

No problem...if you have any questions, just ask. It's super easy if you're married to an Argentine national, or if you have a child that was born here. You can even go to the webpage and check everything out. It's in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

99 said...

We love you in Buenos Aires!