Monday, September 29, 2008

Is CBS protecting Palin?

from Howie Kurtz:
"And the worst may be yet to come for Palin; sources say CBS has two more responses on tape that will likely prove embarrassing."
How come we haven't seen it?


Unknown said...

Trying to protect McCain maybe. I mean this is his judgment call and his judgment would be and should be criticized on this.

What made him think that she was ready? He honestly was convinced she was ready. Actually, he may still be convinced. I haven´t heard him say anything about her other than him sticking up for her.

n a n c y said...

I think she was forced on him by the wing nuts - the religulous folks who did not like his other options who all were Freedom of Choice guys. Immediately after he announced her, contributions from those folks poured in. Now that they have seen what they got......they are getting real worried and already talking about dropping her........for Cindy????????

What a cynical insult to all women!