I told the reporter that I hoped that, if nothing else, Obama goes ahead with the debate holding an empty chair aloft while he eviscerates that chicken shit bastard AND his phony the-world's-gonna-end crisis.
First they try to kneecap Obama with $1 trillion more debt ...now they want to delay/cancel the debates.
"better get tough, kid"
"First they try to kneecap Obama with $1 trillion more debt"
Who is "they" and can you explain how they and when they set this plan in motion? You make it sound as if there was some cabal to create this financial crisis in order to kneecap Obama. Am I misreading you?
Umm... the McCain campaign and their supporters?
I've met you, Robert. Aside from your penchant for Austrian economics, you're much more intuitive than that.
"Create this financial crisis", no; you're better than that as well.
Create the emergency, shock-and-awe, the-world's-gonna-end-in-two-days (that was Monday), $1,000,000,000,000 bailout ala "Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency"?, yes.
Now we add canceling the debate on Friday as part of the same emergency/shock-politics that brought us the ludicrous response to 9-11.
Please write back and demonstrate to those who don't know you that you are not a clueless troll. People like you when they know you.
Mike - Rob E.'s profile says he hails from California. What can you possibly say to a California conservative? ...except maybe the "troll" thing... /m\
By the way -
Now that McCain is running to Washington to 'help' it's seems like the perfect moment to reflect on his 'help' to a man named Keating who owned a rather large bank back in the 1980's. McCain was so helpful he earned a permanent place for himself as a member of the KEATING 5. What a great guy to to try help out those guilty bankers that were on their way to jail.
Here's a wonderful memory 1989:
What gives you the impression that I'm a conservative? I'm not.
Oh! I can't wait for the "Keating 5 moment"!
Let's hope our boy is tuff-enuff!
I think he is... he's just savin' it.
Should Libertarian Party candidate Bob Barr be included in the spirit of free and fair and open elections? I don't understand why the bigger minor parties have to be excluded from the debates. It's hard to reach critical mass by being left out of the dialouge.
Oh Mike....you know our boy needs to save something for the debate...I'd love to see McCain answer that one live and on the spot!...but it already looks like he's running scared :)
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