Monday, March 31, 2008

Watch Gualeguaychú

...the television is reporting that there are 30Km of stopped semi-tractors at the international bridge. The truck drivers have given the rural strikers 30 minutes to either let them pass or the drivers themselves will begin to block all traffic, both the private and emergency vehicles that the strikers have been allowing to pass freely.

Take it from me, with 20 years in logistics, truck drivers do not knowingly go to places where they even suspect they will not be allowed to pass's too personally expensive to them and too uncomfortable.

All of these drivers left their origins at least suspecting that they would be stuck for hours or days.

Ordinarily, drivers are not paid for their time at blockages of any kind.

Are these drivers being compensated for their "waiting- time" in Gualeguaychú? If so, by whom? Why are they not turning around?

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