Thursday, October 04, 2007

paso a paso

Ever since the redesign, we've slowly activated the links at the header of this blog. They are clickable and, we hope, contain info that you'll enjoy and use.
.....The last to be activated will be the DemosAbroad link which, we hope, will amaze you in its coverage of next year's US House and Senate races. If you are a yanqui, we hope you'll consider joining the Democratic Party Abroad.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

Just curious, who are you pulling for to be the main contender. Before I was all about Ron Paul, I was seriously considering Bill Richardson. Any thoughts?

yanqui mike said...

Very interesting that you would mention those two...

Well, I already told how Ron Paul's fundraising is going thru the roof! He could split the Republicans bad... as if that mattered. The only question for the GOP is, "how bad are they going to crash and burn?"

You can forget about ol' Bill... since last night. Billy's gonna be the new Senator from NM since Pete Dominici pulled the plug on his long career (I think he announces it today.)

As far as pres contenders goes, I don't like any of them. But the Republican front runners! Oh my God. What a shame. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney. Rock-ribbed Republicans everywhere have to be heaving their guts out over that selection. McCain isn't even a factor anymore, even Ron Paul's left him in the dust. Republican voters are going to stay away in droves.

Dems? Hillary Clinton is a shoe. How weird is that? Just goes to show what strange times we live in. GWB has destablized the entire planet... and he gave a heapin helpin to his own political party. Obama? What has he ever done except get beat by Bobby Seale and give a good speech?

Here's your reality check: for sometime now, at least months, everyone has known that the GOP is going to go down in flames and the next POTUS is going to be a woman and former first-lady... like it or not. But if you were a Martian and dropped down to read all the papers and watch all the news shows... you'd no doubt come to the opinion that Clinton and Paul probably had about the same chance of being elected.

Politically, I feel like that guy in The Matrix.

Yanqui Mike Buenos Aires Argentina will be tracking all the contentious races coast to coast for the 365 days leading up to the election! It will be great fun for all Democrats! Shootin' fish in a barrel, shootin' cripples, drownin' kittens, 25¢ beer night!
