As a former addict of the network and it's affiliate WBEZ, I can say that long print pieces like this used to be rare on their website. So I was surprised after a couple of years abstinence to find this detailed profile.
Surprised because I slowly weaned myself from my habit when I realized that they were never going to give Bush the same treatment they gave Clinton. This article, however, paints K broadly in the Argentine center with emphasis on the Peronist enigma of being difficult to peg as left or right. Previously, saying anything good about K was considered tantamount to criticizing GWB. With Bush's polls at an unbelievable 28% or so... maybe NPR has decided to grow a pair.
I probably won't listen to the audio, tho. Tell me what you think.
*Nice Polite Republicans
I have an english student who is a journalist. we listened to the piece on kirchner and he liked it a lot. he thought it was a very fair portrayal of him and was surprised on how unbiased it was. he was also very excited about the idea of the united states doing a piece on kirchner.
Thanks, Lizzy!
I was obviously surprised as well.
Drop me a line sometime at letters@yanquimike.com.ar
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