Very pretty! And so was Lola... in a lacy sort of 19th century way, or ANY kind of way for that matter.
And scandalous. She had great connections, tho. Wiki says that she was the protegé of Julio A. Roca whom we know from our favorite billete. That probably got her the choice (original) site for the above pictured "Fuente de las Nereidas" in front of the old Palace Hotel at the corner of Cangallo (now Perón) and Pasco de Julio (now Leandro N. Alem), now the home of the University of Buenos Aires language lab for foreigners! Maybe you know it. If you don't... and you're interested in great lessons in Castellano, as an alum, I recommend it highly.
Too scandalous to keep it there, however. Not only did the blue-haired ladies of the time object to her frolicking nudes...she worked on the piece... get this... WHILE WEARING PANTS!
Anyway, it's a great day to go to the Costanera Sur, chomp a choripán, and hoist a cold beer in honor of la escultora and the sculpture itself.
If you don't make it today... or tomorrow... Thursday's holiday is a perfect occasion as well.
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