Wednesday, September 20, 2006

...why not a little US Senate update

In honor of the arrival of my absentee ballot I thought I might clue you into the happenings regarding the possiblity of Regime Change in Yanquilandia.

In my earlier post I noted that there were 13 seats in play this year and that the Democrats have to win 11 of them in order for me to enjoy observing some well-deserved war crimes trials.

The conventional wisdom at the time of my last post had 7 states, MD, MI, RI, WA, MN, OH, and PA leaning Democrat.

Republicans were favored to win 3 states: AZ, TN, and VA.

3 states were considered toss-ups. MT, NJ, and MO were too close to call.

This gave a nigh onto impossible chance of a Democratic Senate come "the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November."

However...the joint is currently jumpin':

The Arizona race, a Republican stronghold, is now virtually tied in the polls.

Tennessee is now in toss-up status; a tremendous development for a Black candidate in a "border state".

Rhode Island firmed up for Republicans with Lincoln Chafee's narrow victory in the primary but now looks to close to call.

Virginia, another Rep stronghold, has tightened beyond all prediction with the Republican "good-ol'-boy" son of a famous football coach becoming embroiled in racist comments and, days later, vehemently denying a report in an Israeli newspaper that his mother is Jewish.

Montana, as a whole, seems to be trending Dem and giving some serious problems to Rep incumbent Conrad Burns.

The two other original tossup states, NJ and MO look to stay with their respective incumbents due to the way campaign fundraising has developed.

In the interest of condensing my future posts, I'll confine myself to the above states of AZ, TN, RI, VA, and MT. A strange shake-out in the last 11 days!


La Princesa del Cantábrico said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

You are very quiet. No posts for October?
