Monday, September 11, 2006

Weird things in Buenos Aires...

This is the first in a long over-due series: Very Common Things in Buenos Aires that a yanqui or at least a midwesterner would find unusual in the extreme.

For our first installment: keys.

Now, why would regular house keys be so radically different than those of, say, Chicago that they would bear notice? I have no idea. However, as you can see, they are indeed strange and wonderful.

To be fair, I have, on the rare occasion, seen what we would term "regular" house keys. But the "Kwikset" type are true rarities.

What roused me to comment on keys and begin this series was the escandalo surrounding the "bump key" that apparently opens about every lock that we norteamericanos have ever seen.

If you have one or a bunch of these, however, you'll be pleased to know that these types are known as "lever" keys and are immune from the bump!

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