As I commented on Steve's blog in response to his post that you won't be able to conduct business in Europe and Asia this month, "Hey! Just try it in South America!" I told the story of my having scheduled a business meeting at the same hour of the first game of the cup. We blew off the meeting...and tried to order empanadas to eat while watching TV. We were told it would be a 90 minute wait. First day, first game, no bidness, no empanadas cookin' in Buenos Aires!!!
Steve sagely counseled me,
"yanqui mike,So...here my story from today: my wife and I scheduled a doctor's visit for today. We were GIVEN the appointment for 11am. I know, I know, even I thought it was a little strange... but it coincided with half-time so I'm thinkin', "Way to go, Doc! Workin' a little efficiency in during the game with Serbia!" That and it gave me a chance to see the second half in Cafe Torquato downstairs.
It's the time differential. A lot of business with London takes place between 8-9 here. Which is when matches kick off.
Get the fixtures, and plan for 9 Am meetings"
Very eerie. Did you see it? No traffic, no cars, no buses downtown at 10:30am.
Well I get there and the good Doc has bailed-out on the day (he tried to call me but he had my old number.) My wife had better luck getting a vaccine... sorta kinda....
While I'm cheering my ass off for goals 4, 5 & 6... my wife's ass is bent over with her drawers down while an octogenarian pharmacist is about to administer the needle when Messi boots goal six past the post! She could hear him cheering and jumping up and down. Needless to say, my little darlin' bailed-out of that situation until the pandamonium subsided... at least a bit.
In conclusion, I still maintain that at least this part of S.A. puts them all to shame for World Cup Shutdown!
1 comment:
Hey there--never got back to you after you dropped a comment on our blog, and now I can't seem to find an email address on the site. Anyway, love the blog, love the cows, lets talk sometime. -- Ian of Goodairs.com
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